COVID/Campus Updates


COVID TESTING UPDATE: MARCH 2022 - New testing policy for MI students, admin and faculty
COVID-19 cases and hospitalization continue to decline across California. Since February 14, cases have declined by 66% and hospitalizations have declined by 48%. For this reason, Musicians Institute is updating the college’s Covid-19 testing policy to the following:

Effective 3/14/22, MI students, faculty, and staff are required to test only one time every seven days (once per week). Testing will remain available (on-campus) during the following days and times:

Monday: 7:30am to 3:40pm
Tuesday: 7:30am to 3:40pm
Wednesday: 7:30am to 3:40pm

A negative test result will continue to be required in order to access campus.

MI’s indoor mask mandate will continue to be enforced until further notice. Wearing masks outdoors is not required, but highly encouraged.

Please help keep MI’s community safe while we continue to navigate through the pandemic.

Thank you for your cooperation.

COVID TESTING UPDATE: DECEMBER 2021- New testing requirements for Winter 2022 students

December 28, 2021

Dear MI Students,

With break-through COVID-19 and the Omicron variant cases on the rise, Musicians Institute has deemed it necessary to take further precaution to facilitate the safety of the MI community in the Winter 2022 quarter (First day of school: January 10, 2022). Effective January 3, 2022, Musicians Institute will require all employees and students regardless of vaccination status to take a COVID-19 test every 48 hours. Testing will be provided on-campus free of charge Monday through Friday from 7:30am to 3:40pm starting January 10, 2022. Testing will be provided on-campus from 8:00am to 11:40am January 3rd through January 7th. Testing will take approximately 15-30 minutes during which time both a rapid and PCR test will be administered. PCR test results (which will also include testing for Influenza) will take up to 48 hours. A negative result will be required to access campus. Employees and students at their discretion may test earlier than the mandatory 48-hour policy (or test multiple times) if exposure to COVID-19 is suspected.

We respectfully ask you to stay home if you are sick. Please do not try to come to campus to get a COVID test.

Student Testing Procedures

1. Students/employees are required to check into the campus testing station located in the Passage student lounge with enough time to attend the start of their first assigned class of the day. It is recommended that students arrive on campus an hour prior to class but no later than 30 minutes to begin the testing process. Upon receiving a negative rapid test result the student will then be cleared to access campus.

2. If a student/employee tests positive for COVID-19 through the rapid test, the student will be required to immediately leave campus. The Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) will be notified and will arrange for a remote class schedule whenever possible. The student may return to campus 10 days after the first symptom appears or 14 days from the positive result. A negative COVID-19 test result will be required.

Please note that Musicians Institute will continue to review and revise our COVID-19 policies in-order to provide the safest possible environment to learn and work in. As we move through the pandemic, we thank you all for your patience. The safety of everyone in the MI community will continue to be our top priority.


Todd Berhorst
Musicians Institute

COVID TESTING UPDATE: SEPTEMBER 2021- New testing requirements for Fall 2021 students

Dear MI Students,

With break-through COVID-19 cases on the rise, Musicians Institute has deemed it necessary to take further precaution to facilitate the safety of the MI community as we fully reopen campus in FA-21. Therefore, effective September 20th, 2021, Musicians Institute will require all employees and students regardless of vaccination status to take a COVID-19 test every 72 hours. Testing will be provided on-campus free of charge Monday through Friday from 7:30am to 4:00pm.  Testing will take approximately 15 minutes during which time both a rapid and PCR test will be administered. PCR test results (which will also include testing for Influenza) will take up to 48 hours. A negative result will be required to access campus. Employees and students at their discretion may test earlier than the mandatory 72-hour policy (or test multiple times) if exposure to COVID-19 is suspected.

Student Testing Procedures

1.  Students are required to check into the campus testing station located in the Passage student lounge with enough time to attend the start of their first assigned class of the day. It is recommended that students arrive on campus an hour prior to class but no later than 30 minutes to begin the testing process. Upon receiving a negative rapid test result the student will then be cleared to access campus.

2.  If a student tests positive for COVID-19 through the rapid test, the student will be required to immediately leave campus. The Office of Academic Affairs (OAA) will be notified and will arrange for a remote class schedule whenever possible. The student may return to campus 10 days after the first symptom appears or 14 days from the positive result. A negative COVID-19 test result will be required.

Please note that Musicians Institute will continue to review and revise our COVID-19 policies in-order to provide the safest possible environment to learn and work in. As we move through the pandemic, we thank you all for your patience. The safety of everyone in the MI community will continue to be our top priority.


Todd Berhorst
Musicians Institute

COVID 19 UPDATE: AUGUST 2021- COVID Vaccine Requirements for Fall 2021 Quarter

COVID-19 Vaccine Requirements and Protocols For MI: Fall 2021 Quarter

In order to keep all of our MI community safe, all new and returning students must be fully vaccinated to attend classes on campus, unless they have an approved exemption.

Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on religion (or health) in federally funded educational institutions. As such, Musicians Institute is required to grant accommodation requests based on these factors. We are also following the same safety guidelines and COVID-19 protocols as CalState, UC, and many other local colleges and universities across the country.

Students who have been granted a religious or medical exemption will be required to take a COVID test twice a week. All students are required to wear a mask on campus at all times. Students with approved exemptions are currently less than 1% of the total on-campus population. Any unvaccinated students without approved exemptions will be asked to enroll in MI Online classes or re-enroll at a later quarter.

Students who wish to submit an exemption request should contact Students Affairs ([email protected].) to discuss options available to them.

Testing options:

1. MI provides an on-campus rapid test for a fee of $15. This fee covers the cost of the test and expenses for providing a nurse on campus from Monday – Friday to administer the tests and verify/record the results.

Nurse schedule below:

Monday: 8am -12 noon

Tuesday: 8am-3pm

Wednesday: 8am-3pm (break 12-1)

Thursday: 8am- 3pm (break 12-1)

Friday: 8am-12noon

2. Students may bring their own rapid test to campus and have the nurse administer the test and record the results, free of charge.

Note: Students can only bring their own test kits if they are approved by SA with an exemption. They must reserve their spot on MOBILE.MI.EDU as if they are getting testing on campus. They will need to take the test on campus using their own kit, while monitored by a medical professional.

3. Students may test at an official COVID testing facility (Doctors office, urgent care, testing sites) 72 hours prior to arriving on campus and submit a negative test result.

Note: Student name, test result and date of test MUST be visible.

We look forward to seeing everyone safely back on campus!

COVID 19 UPDATE: JULY 2021- On-Campus COVID Testing Procedure

Please refer to the image and instructions below on how to self-test when returning to the MI Hollywood campus:

POLICY UPDATE: New Campus Expectations and Guidelines

With the rise of COVID cases in LA County, Musicians Institute is now requiring students on campus to be fully vaccinated effective July 27, 2021. Under the new policy in place, students are required to submit a proof of vaccination.  Please upload your vaccination card on  If you are not currently vaccinated, your options for returning to campus are listed below.

ALL STUDENTS returning to campus next week Tuesday-Friday, 7/27/21 – 7/30/21 will be required to take a one time mandatory COVID test on campus (no fee) in order to return to campus.

Please go to to reserve your spot for a free mandatory COVID test in the Passage Lounge. Only students with appointments will be allowed to access the campus next week.  Please be mindful when reserving your spot that the test will take about 20-30 minutes including check-in and out time.  To limit the number of foot traffic, we ask you to schedule your test on the day of your first scheduled class or only one day before your first scheduled class instead of 2-3 days prior to your scheduled first class of the week.

ALL STUDENTS returning to campus next week Tuesday-Friday, 7/27/21 – 7/30/21 will be required to take a one time mandatory COVID test on campus (no fee) in order to return to campus. All scenarios are listed below:

  • Fully Vaccinated with a Negative Test Result: The student will be cleared and he or she no longer will be required to take COVID tests after the one time mandatory COVID test, unless he or she is exposed to COVID thereafter.
  • Partially Vaccinated with a Negative Test Result:   Students that are in the process of getting fully vaccinated will be cleared to return to campus but will still need to take a weekly COVID test (no fee) until he or she is fully vaccinated.
  • Not Vaccinated with a Negative Test Result: If the student is not yet vaccinated and tests negative, the student will be cleared to return to campus but will be required to take a weekly COVID test on campus on Wednesdays ($20 fee per test) until he or she is fully vaccinated.  Students may take COVID tests off campus, but test results must be taken within 48 hours prior to arriving on campus.  Weekly test results will be due every Wednesday for the remainder of the quarter.
  • A Positive Test Result: If the student tests positive, the student will be asked to leave the campus immediately, and he or she cannot return to campus for at least 14 days from the test result date.  The student must present a negative test result to [email protected] in order to return to campus.

Students with certain medical conditions, religious belief or practice that disables them to take a vaccination and/or weekly COVID test can notify the Office of Student Affairs at [email protected].

Please contact the Office of Student Affairs at [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns related to the new COVID policy.

For any academic related questions or concerns, please email the Office of Academic Affairs at [email protected].


A step by step mandatory COVID test instructions and guidelines will be sent shortly in a separate email.

Zoom and LMS information:

Please watch the Onboarding VIDEO

Vaccination Appointment Link: CLICK HERE

Additional Information:


COVID-19 UPDATE: July 2021- School Closure

MI received a report of a positive COVID case in our campus community, and we have quickly taken the precautionary measures necessary to keep everyone safe. We have decided to close our campus through July 26th and it will reopen on Tuesday, July 27th

We will continue to post updates concerning our campus reopening and guidelines, including vaccinations and COVID testing requirements.

COVID-19 UPDATE: July 2021- Masks/Student IDs Required On Campus
STUDENTS: Please be informed that Los Angeles County has reinstated the mask mandate last week. All students and faculty will be required to keep their masks on indoors and when on campus.

You will also be required to wear your school ID badge at all times when you are on campus. All students and staff are required to wear their school ID badge in order to obtain admittance to the building and you must clock in and out using your student ID badge when entering/exiting all MI facilities.   

COVID-19 UPDATE: June 2021- Hollywood Campus Reopening

Musicians Institute will fully reopen the Hollywood campus for the Summer 2021 Quarter. Please visit our Campus Reopening FAQ page for more information directly concerning safety protocols and guidelines for all students and faculty returning to campus.

Reopening FAQ

Campus Expectations and Guidelines

Everyone 12 years of age and older is now eligible to get a COVID-19 vaccination. Use to find a location near you, then call or visit their website to make an appointment.

The novel coronavirus, known as Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), which causes respiratory illness in people, has spread globally, including the United States. COVID-19 is extremely contagious. The World Health Organization has declared COVID-19 to be a worldwide pandemic. The school is carefully monitoring guidance from local, county, state, federal, and international government entities such as the City and County of Los Angeles, the State of California, CDC, OSHA, and the World Health Organization. Campus Hollywood has implemented various measures to ensure the health and safety of its employees, students, and any other individuals who enter the campus. All individuals, including employees, students, and campus visitors, are expected

Symptom Monitoring:

Individuals will be required to conduct symptom monitoring every day through an application that can be downloaded to your mobile phone. Individuals should be free of any symptoms of COVID-19 in order to enter the campus. Please see the COVID-19 Self-Screening Guidance attached as Exhibit A to this document.

At this time, these symptoms include one or more of the following:

• Fever or chills
• Cough
• Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
• Fatigue
• Muscle or body aches
• Headache
• New loss of taste or smell
• Sore throat
• Congestion or runny nose
• Nausea or vomiting
• Diarrhea

If you have any of the above symptoms, please do not come to campus and contact your healthcare provider for next steps.

Safety and Disinfection:

Face Masks/Cloth Face Coverings:

Face masks or face coverings must be worn on campus at all times. Appropriate use of face masks or coverings is critical in minimizing risks to others near you. You could spread COVID-19 to others even if you do not feel sick. The mask or cloth face covering is not a substitute for social distancing.
Individuals may wear cloth face coverings or disposable masks. If using a reusable cloth face covering, please wash the covering daily after use.
You do not need to wear N95 respirators and other medical grade masks.


Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, sneezing, or touching your face. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth, and wash your hands after touching your face.

Disinfection and Sanitization:

We will conduct periodic disinfection and sanitization of the premises based on CDC guidelines. In addition, commonly used surfaces will be disinfected throughout the day. Disinfecting wipes will be made available throughout campus for individuals to use.

Coughing/Sneezing Hygiene:

Remember to always cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or use the inside of your elbow. Then throw used tissues in the trash. Immediately wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, clean your hands with a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

Meetings and Gatherings on Campus:

Convening in groups increases the risk of viral transmission. Individuals should not gather in groups while on campus. We encourage you to meet with others via phone, email, text, or virtually through the use of collaboration tools (e.g. Zoom, WebEx, Microsoft Teams, FaceTime, etc.).

Social Distancing:

Individuals must maintain at least 6 feet distance away from each other whenever possible while on campus. The school has implemented a maximum capacity for all rooms that will be in use, which will be stated by signage posted at each room. Student lounges are closed until further notice.
The school will provide a reasonable accommodation for any known physical or mental disability of a qualified individual and/or employees’ religious beliefs and practices. If you require accommodation, please contact Mary Marsh, Human Resources Manager, 310-497-6467.

Guidance for Individuals Exposed to or Diagnosed with COVID-19

If you are exposed to COVID-19:

Please do not come to campus. You should contact your healthcare provider immediately and self-quarantine for 14 days since the day of your last exposure, consistent with CDC guidelines.

If you test positive for or are diagnosed with COVID-19, the CDC currently recommends the following:
Persons with COVID-19 who have symptoms and were directed to care for themselves at home may discontinue isolation under the following conditions:
• At least 10 days have passed since symptom onset and
• At least 24 hours have passed since resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and
• Other symptoms have improved.
We will also require a negative test be obtained before an individual can return to campus.

Persons infected with COVID-19 who never develop COVID-19 symptoms may discontinue isolation and other precautions 10 days after the date of their first positive test.
We will also require a negative test be obtained before an individual can return to campus.
If you have symptoms of COVID-19 we recommend that you contact your health care provider immediately. If you do not seek a diagnosis or testing and your symptoms persist, we will ask that you not return to campus until you have completed the same three-step criteria as that set out above for Persons with COVID-19 who have symptoms and were directed to care for themselves at home. If you would like to return to work before completing the above self-isolation period, we will ask that you obtain a note from a health care provider indicating you can return to campus.

COVID-19 Self – Screening


This form is an assessment tool to determine recent exposure to, and symptoms of, COVID-19 to evaluate your eligibility to come to campus. In accordance with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), State of California, Musicians Institute has mandatory instituted daily self-screening for COIVID -19 symptoms for all faculty, staff, students, and visitors prior to coming to campus. By coming to campus, you are acknowledging that you are free of all items listed in the self-screening outlined below.

How to Self-Screen

Prior to coming to campus each day, assess yourself for any of the following signs or symptoms of possible COVID-19.
❏ Unexplained sore throat
❏ New loss of taste or smell
❏ Unexplained headache
❏ Diarrhea
❏ Close contact with anyone having COVID-19
❏ Feeling feverish or temperature greater than 100℉
❏ Chills or repeated shaking with chills
❏ Unexplained new or worsening cough
❏ Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
❏ Unexplained muscle aches

Next Steps

• All faculty, staff, students, and visitors who answered “yes” to any of the above questions, STOP! Do not come to campus. If any of the above symptoms develop or worsen after you are already on campus, you should return to your residence. Contact your medical provider. Employees should notify their supervisor. Any employee, student, contractor, or visitor who is currently diagnosed with COVID-19, is experiencing symptoms consistent with COVID-19, or has had direct contact with a person with a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 diagnosis is not permitted to come onto campus.


• A confirmed case of COVID-19
• Suspected/symptoms consistent with COVID-19
• Close-contact with a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 Medical
• Faculty/Staff: Direct Supervisor/HR [email protected]
• Student: Student Affair [email protected]

Emergency The following signs and symptoms are indicative of a medical emergency and warrant immediate medical attention, call 9-1-1
• Trouble breathing
• Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
• New confusion
• Inability to wake or stay awake
• Bluish lips or face

Returning to Campus

• Individuals with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 may NOT return to campus until the conditions below, respective to their scenario, are met:

• In the case of an individual who was diagnosed with COVID-19, the individual may return to campus when all three of the following criteria are met:

o At least 10 days have passed since symptom onset and
o At least 24 hours have passed since resolution of fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and
o Other symptoms have improved.
o Negative result of COVID-19 test result is obtained.

• In the case of an individual who tests positive for COVID-19 who never develops COVID-19 symptoms, the individual may return to campus 10 days after the date of their first positive test and a negative result of COVID-19 test result is obtained.

• In the case of an individual who has symptoms that could be COVID-19 and does not get evaluated by a medical professional or tested for COVID-19, the individual is assumed to have COVID-19, and the individual may not return to campus until the individual has completed the same three-step criteria listed above

• If the individual has symptoms that could be COVID-19 and wants to return to campus before completing the above self-isolation period, the individual must obtain a health care provider’s note clearing the individual for return

• In the case of an individual with known close contact to a person who has COVID-19, they may not return to campus until the end of the 14-day self-quarantine period from the last date of exposure


• Email [email protected]

Campus Reopen FAQ


Summer 2021 Quarter

Governor Gavin Newsom has indicated that California will fully reopen on June 15, 2021.  This will return operations to pre-pandemic conditions, with the exception that masks will continue to be required on campus at all times, social distancing will still need to be maintained, and frequent hand washing / sanitizing will need to continue. 

For more information please see:

Will I be required to wear a mask?  Yes, face coverings will continue to be required at all times while on campus.

Will I be required to wear a mask while singing, drumming or performing?  Yes, face coverings will continue to be required at all times while on campus.

What has been done to the ventilation system on campus in response to Covid 19?  We have upgraded our filtration to MERV 13, which are hospital grade filters.  We have also increased air volume to allow for more air exchanges per hour, which correspond to better room ventilation.

What are the social distancing measures on campus?  In performance classrooms, there is a 12 foot separation between performers and audience and 3 foot separation between student seating.  In lecture classrooms, there is a 3 foot separation between the instructor and students.  Elevator and restroom capacities have been reduced.  Common area capacities have been reduced, i.e. break rooms, lounges, etc.

How will students be separated from the instructor in private lesson rooms?  Masks must be worn in private lesson rooms and instructors/students must be separated as much as the room will provide.

Is MI staying up to date on all governmental recommendations?  MI will be monitoring and adhering to all Federal, CDC, state, county and city guidelines that are issued in relation to addressing Covid 19. (See below for more details)

How will the campus be cleaned / disinfected?  Campus cleaning and disinfection will be performed utilizing alcohol based products of at least 75% concentration on high touch surfaces and common areas.  This will be conducted throughout the day with a minimum of mid morning, mid afternoon and early evening.  Nightly cleaning and disinfecting will be performed by a third party vendor Sunday through Friday.  Classroom, practice room and counseling room use will be monitored and disinfecting as schedules allow.

Will the wall carpeting be cleaned and disinfected?  Yes.  The wall carpeting on all floors is being vacuumed and treated with disinfectant on a bi-monthly basis

How is MI communicating with faculty, staff and students?  Signage has been placed throughout the campus as a reminder of safety protocols.  MI is also sending out information, reminders and updates to all staff, faculty and employees through e-mail and website updates.

Will I need to have my temperature taken when I enter the campus?  Temperature check stations have been installed at the McCadden and Alley entrances, security will remind anyone entering the campus to self check their temperature.  As stated in the Institution’s code of conduct policy, it is a violation of policy to enter the campus while sick with any transmissible illness including Covid-19.

Is there enough hand sanitizing on campus?  Additional hand sanitizing stations have been installed throughout the campus.  These locations include the main entrances, stairwell landings, outside of restrooms and elevator entrances.

Will refrigerators, microwaves, coffee machines and water coolers be available?  Fridges, microwaves, water coolers and coffee machines will be redeployed to offices and common areas for the Summer quarter.  They will not be available for the Spring quarter.  These machines will be disinfected throughout the day.

What hours will the campus be open for the Summer Quarter?  The Campus will be open Monday through Friday, 9am to 12am (midnight) and Saturday 10am to 6pm.

What entrance can I use to access the campus for Summer Quarter?  Both the McCadden Entrance and the Alley entrance will be open during Summer Quarter.

Will I be able to still check out equipment from the Library?  No.  The library will not be checking out loaner equipment due to the risk of spreading Covid-19 through shared equipment.  Checking out of equipment will be on an emergency basis only for the Summer Quarter.

Will the campus be supplying vocalists with microphones?  No.  MI will not be supplying vocalists with microphones due to the risk of spreading Covid-19 through shared equipment.  Vocal students will be required to purchase and bring their own microphones to class and performances. 

Note: MI has partnered with Sweetwater to provide discounted gear for students to purchase. Please visit for more details.



This document is an Addendum to Musicians Institute, Inc.’s  (the “Company”) IIPP and is intended to supplement that document as applicable.  It addresses the Company’s measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.  It will remain in place until the Company receives further direction from government officials and will be revised as needed.

Hazard Assessment

  • The Company will monitor the workplace for employees and visitors exhibiting signs or symptoms of COVID-19.
  • The Company will require employees to complete daily self-screening to assess for COVID-19 symptoms or exposure. 

Worker Personal Responsibilities

  • The Company will encourage sick employees to stay home.
  • The Company will quarantine employees who exhibit acute respiratory illness or fever while on-site and then send them home.
  • The Company will instruct employees and visitors not to share personal items including, but not limited to, mobile phones and other electronic devices, personal tools, office supplies, dishes, and other food utensils.

Social Distancing

  • The Company will instruct employees and visitors that physical distancing of at least six feet shall be maintained between persons while on premises.  
  • The Company will limit the number of persons on site by implementing maximum capacities for classrooms and other rooms used by employees and students depending on the size of each room.
  • Physical contact between employees, including handshaking, will be prohibited.


  • The Company will provide readily accessible sanitizing stations throughout the job site.
  • The Company will allow employees sufficient time for frequent handwashing during the workday.
  • The Company will encourage all employees and visitors to frequently wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • The Company will frequently clean and disinfect workplaces, equipment, furniture, frequently touched surfaces and common areas throughout the day.
  • The Company will provide no-touch trash cans and hand sanitizer for use by employees.
  • The Company maintains SDS’s for all disinfectants on site.

Employee Training

  • The Company will train employees on COVID-19 symptoms and appropriate measures to mitigate spread as provided by California’s COVID-19 response webpage,
  • The Company will provide training to employees on measures to be employed at the worksite to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, including but not limited to:
  • Cough and sneeze etiquette
  • Hand hygiene
  • Avoiding close contact with sick persons
  • Avoiding touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Avoiding sharing personal items with coworkers
  • Safe use of cleaners and disinfectants by following label directions and wearing proper personal protective equipment
  • Advising employees to check CDC Health Travel Notice before traveling

Personal Protective Equipment

  • The Company will ensure that all personnel and visitors wear face-coverings while on site.
  • The Company will require necessary personal protective equipment to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, including but not limited to, [gloves, eye protection, etc.] while on site.
  • Personnel and visitors are prohibited from sharing personal protective equipment.

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