Max Hurrell is an Australian producer, musician and songwriter who followed his deep passion for music to sunny Los Angeles, and ultimately, Musicians Institute. Max found his love for music as a young kid listening to ‘80s rock in Australia and his desire to learn more about being an artist led him to enroll at MI for a certificate in the Independent Artist program. Before and after he graduated from the program, Max strives to be a guiding presence in the studio, always bringing a raw and contagious enthusiasm to the stage.

Although still early in his career, Max has worked as a producer, songwriter and engineer for a range of artists and genres, learning under industry giants such as Erik Ron (Panic! at the Disco, Atilla, Too Close To Touch), Bob Horn (Ne-Yo, Mario, Brandy) and Dave Pensado (Beyonce, Justin Timberlake, Black Eyed Peas). As for his personal work, Max now fronts his own Alternative Rock project Miss Guided, and continues to expand his skillset in L.A. Max has said that one of the most important things he learned at MI was how much bigger the music world was for a musician. He said, “The greatest value was taking a leap out of the knowledge-base I knew and allowing me to see how infinitely broader the industry is compared to my original understanding. Embracing that has lead me to learn, grow and embrace aspects of the music industry that I never would have known to be in existence.”

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<iframe style="border: 0; width: 100%; height: 120px;" src="https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/track=272736129/size=large/bgcol=ffffff/linkcol=0687f5/tracklist=false/artwork=small/transparent=true/" seamless><a href="http://wearemissguided.bandcamp.com/track/dance-until-we-burn">Dance Until We Burn by Miss Guided</a></iframe>

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