• Submit a PDF essay (500 words maximum, longer submissions will not accepted), that clearly articulates your career goals in the music industry, as well as why you should be considered for the scholarship.
Submit a PDF essay (800 words maximum, longer submissions will not accepted), that clearly articulates why you should be considered for the Helping Hand Scholarship. Describe your financial situation (including the amount of tuition credit requested), your education and professional goals and any other factors you consider relevant.
Video must contain at a minimum: you performing three (3) songs that clearly demonstrate your abilities in any genre on the electric and/or acoustic guitar. It is required that this include two (2) ensemble (live band or duo, and/or pre-recorded play-along tracks format or looper) performances; and one (1) unaccompanied guitar performance (No play-along tracks will be accepted for the solo piece).
Video must contain at a minimum: you performing three (3) songs that clearly demonstrate your improvisational melodic soloing abilities in any genre on the electric and/or acoustic guitar. It is required that this include two (2) ensemble (live band or duo, and/or pre-recorded play-along tracks format or looper) performances; and one (1) unaccompanied guitar performance (No play-along tracks will be accepted for the solo piece).
Video must contain at a minimum: you performing three (3) songs that clearly demonstrate your abilities in any genre on the electric and/or acoustic bass. It is required that this include two (2) ensemble (live band or duo, and/or pre-recorded play-along tracks format or looper) performances; and one (1) unaccompanied bass performance (No play-along tracks will be accepted for the solo piece).
Video must contain at a minimum: you performing three (3) songs that clearly demonstrate your abilities in any genre on the drum kit. It is required that this include two (2) ensemble (live band or duo, and/or pre-recorded play-along tracks format or looper) performances; and one (1) unaccompanied drum performance (No play-along tracks will be accepted for the solo piece).
YouTube video URL: YouTube video of you performing three (3) songs in the Rock genre on the electric and/or acoustic guitar. It is required that this include two (2) ensemble (live band or duo, and/or pre-recorded play-along tracks format) performances; and one (1) unaccompanied guitar performance (No play-along tracks will be accepted for the solo piece).
YouTube video URL: YouTube video of you performing three (3) songs in the Progressive Rock genre on the electric and/or acoustic guitar. It is required that this include two (2) ensemble (live band or duo, and/or pre-recorded play-along tracks format or looper) performances; and one (1) unaccompanied guitar performance (No play-along tracks will be accepted for the solo piece).
YouTube video URL: YouTube video of you performing three (3) songs in the Blues genre on the electric and/or acoustic guitar. It is required that this include two (2) ensemble (live band or duo, and/or pre-recorded play-along tracks format or looper) performances; and one (1) unaccompanied guitar performance (No play-along tracks will be accepted for the solo piece).
YouTube video URL: Video must contain at a minimum: three (3) diverse songs in any style(s) on your instrument. You may use electric and/or acoustic guitars. It is required that this include two (2) ensemble (live band or duo, and/or pre-recorded play-along tracks format) performances; and one (1) unaccompanied guitar performance (No play- along tracks will be accepted for the solo piece).
YouTube video URL: YouTube video of you performing three (3) songs in the Rock genre on the electric bass. It is required that this include two (2) ensemble (live band or duo, and/or pre-recorded play-along tracks format or looper) performances; and one (1) unaccompanied bass performance (No play-along tracks will be accepted for the solo piece).
YouTube video URL: Video must contain at a minimum: three (3) stylistically diverse songs on the drum set. It is required that this include two (2) ensemble (live band or duo, and/or pre-recorded play-along tracks format) performances; and one (1) unaccompanied drum solo performance (No play-along tracks will be accepted for the solo piece).
YouTube video URL Video of you performing two original songs with lyrics that you have written in any genre. A cappella, self-accompaniment, duo, performing with tracks and/or live ensemble formats will be accepted. You must explain your specific contribution(s) to the material submitted.
1. Submit a PDF essay (500 words maximum, longer submissions will not accepted), that clearly articulates your career goals in the music industry, as well as why you should be considered for the scholarship.
1. YouTube video URL: YouTube video must contain at a minimum: three (3) diverse songs (in any style or genre on your instrument/voice). It is required that this include two (2) ensemble (live band or duo, and/or pre-recorded play-along tracks format or looper) performances; and one (1) unaccompanied solo (or a capella) performance (No play-along tracks will be accepted for the solo piece). You may use electric and/or acoustic instruments. You must be able to demonstrate overall outstanding musicianship, and demonstrate the ability to excel in any style or genre of your choosing on your instrument (or voice).
YouTube video URL: YouTube video of you performing three (3) songs in any genre on the electric and/or acoustic guitar. It is required that this include two (2) ensemble performances (live band or duo, and/or pre-recorded play-along tracks, or looper format); and one (1) unaccompanied guitar performance (No play-along tracks will be accepted for the solo piece).
YouTube video URL: YouTube video must contain at a minimum: three (3) diverse songs (in any style on your instrument/voice). It is required that this include two (2) ensemble (live band or duo, and/or pre-recorded play-along tracks format) performances; and one (1) unaccompanied solo (or a capella) performance (No play-along tracks will be accepted for the solo piece). You may use electric and/or acoustic instruments. You must be able to demonstrate overall outstanding musicianship, and demonstrate the ability to excel in any style or genre of your choosing on your instrument (or voice).
Video must contain at a minimum: you performing three (3) songs that clearly demonstrate your vocal abilities in any genre. It is required that this include two (2) ensemble (live band or duo, and/or pre-recorded play-along tracks format or looper) performances; and one (1) unaccompanied a cappella performance (No play-along backing tracks will be accepted for the vocal solo piece).
Video must contain at a minimum: you performing three (3) songs that clearly demonstrate your abilities in any genre on the electric and/or acoustic piano. It is required that this include two (2) ensemble (live band or duo, and/or pre-recorded play-along tracks format or looper) performances; and one (1) unaccompanied keyboard/piano performance (No play-along tracks will be accepted for the solo piece).
Submit a PDF essay (800 words maximum, longer submissions will not accepted), that clearly articulates your career goals in the music industry, as well as why you should be considered for the scholarship.
Submit a PDF essay (800 words maximum, longer submissions will not accepted), that clearly articulates your career goals in the music industry, as well as why you should be considered for the scholarship.
Submit a PDF essay (800 words maximum, longer submissions will not accepted), that clearly articulates your career goals in the music industry, your business ideas/plans, and any other factors you consider relevant as well as why you should be considered for the scholarship.
YouTube URL and PDF: Submit a video recording containing a minimum of 2 original songs in a solo performance or in a band/ensemble setting in any musical style or combination of styles. Include a detailed PDF credit list for any songs performed, produced or submitted with your application. Include information that lists who performed each instrument, who engineered, and who produced.
Submit a PDF essay (500 words maximum, longer submissions will not accepted), that clearly articulates your career goals in the music industry, as well as why you should be considered for the scholarship.
YouTube URL and PDF: Video recording containing a minimum of 2 original songs in a solo performance or in a band/ensemble setting in any musical style or combination of styles. Include a detailed PDF credit list for any songs performed or submitted with your application. Include information that lists who performed each instrument, who engineered, and who produced.
Submit a PDF essay (800 words maximum, longer submissions will not accepted), that clearly articulates your career goals in the music and recording industry, as well as why you should be considered for the scholarship.
YouTube URL: Video recording containing a minimum of 1 original or cover song in a solo performance or in a band/ensemble setting in the Electronic Music Genre.
Submit a PDF essay (300 words maximum, longer submissions will not accepted), that clearly articulates your career goals in the music industry, as well as why you should be considered for the scholarship.
Submit a PDF essay (800 words maximum, longer submissions will not accepted), that clearly articulates your career goals in the music industry, as well as why you should be considered for the scholarship.
YouTube video URL: Video of you performing two original songs that you have written (and/or produced) in any genre. A cappella, self-accompaniment, duo, performing with tracks, looper and/or live ensemble formats will be accepted. You must explain your specific contribution(s) to the material submitted.
YouTube video URL: Video images (visual media i.e.: film, TV, animation, games, etc.) with synced audio tracks of two (2) songs (musical soundtracks) that you have either composed, and/or produced, and/or arranged for visual media. You must include explain your specific contribution(s) to the material submitted.
YouTube Video URL 2: Video of you clearly explaining why you should be considered for the Scholarship. Include your career goals, business ideas/plans, and any other factors you consider relevant. You must also explain what you are primarily looking to improve upon by studying in MI’s
YouTube video URL: YouTube video must contain at a minimum: three (3) diverse songs (in any style or genre on your instrument/voice). It is required that this include two (2) ensemble (live band or duo, and/or pre-recorded play-along tracks format or looper) performances; and one (1) unaccompanied solo (or a capella) performance (No play-along tracks will be accepted for the solo piece). You may use electric and/or acoustic instruments. You must be able to demonstrate overall outstanding musicianship, and demonstrate the ability to excel in any style or genre of your choosing on your instrument (or voice).
Submit a PDF essay (800 words maximum, longer submissions will not accepted), that clearly articulates why you should be considered for the Opportunity Scholarship. Describe your financial situation (including the amount of tuition credit requested), your education and professional goals and any other factors you consider relevant.
YouTube video URL: YouTube video must contain at a minimum: three (3) diverse songs (in any style or genre on your instrument/voice). It is required that this include two (2) ensemble (live band or duo, and/or pre-recorded play-along tracks format or looper) performances; and one (1) unaccompanied solo (or a capella) performance (No play-along tracks will be accepted for the solo piece). You may use electric and/or acoustic instruments. You must be able to demonstrate overall outstanding musicianship, and demonstrate the ability to excel in any style or genre of your choosing on your instrument (or voice).
YouTube video URL: Video of you performing two original songs that you have written (and/or produced) in any genre. A cappella, self-accompaniment, duo, performing with tracks, looper and/or live ensemble formats will be accepted. You must explain your specific contribution(s) to the material submitted.
YouTube video URL: YouTube video must contain at a minimum: One (1) song (in any style on your instrument/voice) as ensemble (live band or duo, and/or pre-recorded play-along tracks format) performances; and one (1) unaccompanied solo (or a capella) performance. (No play-along tracks will be accepted for the solo piece). You may use electric and/or acoustic instruments. You must be able to demonstrate overall outstanding musicianship, and demonstrate the ability to excel in any style or genre of your choosing on your instrument (or voice).
YouTube URL and PDF: Video recording containing a minimum of 2 original songs in a solo performance or in a band/ensemble setting. Include a detailed PDF credit list for any songs performed or submitted with your application. Include information that lists who performed each instrument, who engineered, and who produced.
Submit a PDF essay (500 words maximum, longer submissions will not accepted), that clearly articulates your career goals in the music industry, as well as why you should be considered for the scholarship.