Bruno Parnell is originally from Fairbanks, Alaska, worlds away from Los Angeles. Back in 2004, he visited a friend that was attending Musicians Institute and felt that he “knew right away” that he also wanted to go to MI to help him with his career goals in the entertainment industry. Just four years after that first visit, he moved to Hollywood and enrolled as an excited 30 year old student at MI!

Bruno first received his Certificate in Independent Artist and later in the FilmIT Program, learning skills that directly led him to his current success in production in television. He currently serves as a Post Production Coordinator for Who Wants To Be A Millionaire and in the past has been Assistant Production Coordinator for Are You The One? for MTV, Assistant Production Coordinator for Man vs Food in Hawaii on Travel Channel, Production Coordinator on Shawn Wasabi’s music video “SQUEEZ” and much more.

Additional credits include Production Coordinator on Uncharted with Gordon Ramsay on NatGeo and Assistant Production Supervisor for Temptation Island on USA.

Bruno says of the education he got from MI and how it shaped his current career:

“[At MI,] I learned that there are some incredibly talented people that share the same dreams of success and what separates them is self-discipline, work ethic and having their priorities straight. Truly taking advantage of the facilities at MI that are available 24/7 and the amazing instructors is up to the individual student… You get what you put in to your time there.

Learn more about MI’s Independent Artist program

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